Sea Scattering of Cremains
F.A.S.T. Company

We have available for the grieving, the scattering at sea of the animal's cremated remains.A certificate, as seen below, showing longitude and latitude, date of scattering, etc. will be sent to the loved one. We will accept cremains 12 months of the year, but scattering only takes place from June through September, according to conditions of the weather and water. The cost for this service is $75.00. Please request form which will be mailed or faxed to you with complete instructions. An additional service, without additional cost, we can scatter pet ashes in the same area at sea as their master's ashes. According to regulations, we send a letter to the EPA with location of scattering, and other information to the EPA office in New York City.  Urns available upon request. Please remember that we also do custom memorial cards & book markers for people, as well as for pets. Please e-mail any questions, special poems per your request, etc.
Just click on  or call 609.886.1724 or 609.886.5858.

Personal photo Ch. 6 ABC taping

Lisa Quintana, Reporter
Taping information on scattering cremains
of people and pets at sea.

The Press, Atlantic City, NJ--Sunday, February 20, 2000
Read below what other companies offer and charge.

click for form

I must go down to the seas again,
to the lonely sea and the sky and all I ask is a tall
ship and a star to steer her by.
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white
sail's shaking and a gray mist on the sea's face
and a gay dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call 
of a running tide is a wild call and a clear call
that may not be denied.
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying
and the flung spray and the brown spume, 
and the sea gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again
to the vagrant gypsy life, to the gull's way
and the whale's way the winds like a knife.
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing
fellow rover and quiet sleep and a sweet dream
when the long treck's over.
~ unknown author

Please note that the cost of scattering
cremains has gone up to $100.00 since this
article was printed, due to the increase cost of marine fuel.

Personal & professional references available upon requests.

please note:
EPA Law for everyone, you must fill out a form with information of
longitude and latitude of scattering, dockage address of boat/vessel used, name of vessel, person's name of scattering and captain of boat,
date, depth of water. address of EPA can be found on this link.
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